# Read build script documentation https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Options/ # for detailed explanation of these options and for additional options not listed here KERNEL_ONLY="" # leave empty to select each time, set to "yes" or "no" to skip dialog prompt KERNEL_CONFIGURE="" # leave empty to select each time, set to "yes" or "no" to skip dialog prompt CLEAN_LEVEL="make,debs,oldcache" # comma-separated list of clean targets: "make" = make clean for selected kernel and u-boot, # "debs" = delete packages in "./output/debs" for current branch and family, # "alldebs" = delete all packages in "./output/debs", "images" = delete "./output/images", # "cache" = delete "./output/cache", "sources" = delete "./sources" # "oldcache" = remove old cached rootfs except for the newest 8 files REPOSITORY_INSTALL="" # comma-separated list of core modules which will be installed from repository # "u-boot", "kernel", "bsp", "armbian-config", "armbian-firmware" # leave empty to build from sources or use local cache DEST_LANG="en_US.UTF-8" # sl_SI.UTF-8, en_US.UTF-8 # advanced EXTERNAL_NEW="prebuilt" # compile and install or install prebuilt additional packages INSTALL_HEADERS="" # install kernel headers package LIB_TAG="master" # change to "branchname" to use any branch currently available. USE_TORRENT="no" # use torrent network for faster toolchain and cache download DOWNLOAD_MIRROR="" # set to "china" to use mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn CARD_DEVICE="" # device name /dev/sdx of your SD card to burn directly to the card when done