enable_extension "marvell-tools" ARCH=armhf if [[ $BOARD == helios4 ]]; then source "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/include/mvebu-helios4.inc" BOOTENV_FILE='helios4.txt' else source "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/include/mvebu-clearfog.inc" BOOTENV_FILE='clearfog.txt' fi case $BRANCH in legacy) KERNELBRANCH='tag:v4.19.167' ;; current) KERNELBRANCH='branch:linux-5.15.y' ;; edge) KERNELBRANCH='branch:linux-5.16.y' LINUXCONFIG='linux-mvebu-edge' KERNELPATCHDIR="mvebu-edge" #BOOTBRANCH='tag:v2019.04' #BOOTPATCHDIR='u-boot-mvebu-dev' #BOOTSCRIPT='boot-mvebu.cmd:boot.cmd' #UBOOT_TARGET_MAP=";sdhc;u-boot-spl.kwb:u-boot.mmc # ;spi;u-boot-spl.kwb:u-boot.flash # ;uart;u-boot-spl.kwb:u-boot.uart" ;; esac CPUMIN=800000 CPUMAX=1600000 GOVERNOR=ondemand write_uboot_platform() { dd if=$1/u-boot.mmc of=$2 bs=512 seek=1 status=noxfer > /dev/null 2>&1 } write_uboot_platform_mtd () { dd if=$1/u-boot.flash of=$2 status=noxfer > /dev/null 2>&1 } family_tweaks() { # execute specific tweaks function if present [[ $(type -t family_tweaks_s) == function ]] && family_tweaks_s # Tweak to force SYS time to be synced from RTC at startup install -m 755 $SRC/packages/bsp/mvebu/hwclock-set $SDCARD/lib/udev/ if [[ $DISTRIBUTION == "Ubuntu" ]]; then chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "apt-get -y -qq remove --auto-remove fake-hwclock linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils bluez" else chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "apt-get -y -qq remove --auto-remove fake-hwclock alsa-utils bluez" fi }