source "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/include/" ASOUND_STATE="asound.state.meson64" [[ ${BRANCH} == legacy ]] && SERIALCON=ttyS0 if [[ -n ${USE_ODROID_UBOOT} ]] && [[ "${USE_ODROID_UBOOT}" == *"${BRANCH}"* ]]; then # Current BRANCH is listed in USE_ODROID_UBOOT; use _ODROID variants if set. BOOTCONFIG="${BOOTCONFIG_ODROID:-${BOOTCONFIG}}" BOOTSCRIPT="${BOOTSCRIPT_ODROID:-${BOOTSCRIPT}}" # Enable Odroid's legacy u-boot building. This requires old toolchains etc, but does NOT require FIP trees. UBOOT_TARGET_MAP=';;sd_fuse/u-boot.bin' UBOOT_USE_GCC='< 4.9' UBOOT_TOOLCHAIN2="arm-none-eabi-:< 5.0" UBOOT_COMPILER="aarch64-none-elf-" BOOTSOURCE='' BOOTBRANCH='branch:odroidg12-v2015.01' BOOTPATCHDIR='u-boot-odroid' BOOTDIR='u-boot-odroid' write_uboot_platform() { dd if=$1/u-boot.bin of=$2 bs=512 seek=1 conv=fsync >/dev/null 2>&1 } else # Mainline u-boot, everything is done by, we just need to handle FIP blobs # Handling of FIP blobs uboot_custom_postprocess() { # @TODO: these should come from FIP_TREE_BOARD/FIP_TREE_FAMILY vars in board.conf instead of hardcoded here if [[ $BOARD == odroidn2* ]]; then # FIP trees 'odroid-n2-plus' and 'odroid-n2' are identical. uboot_g12_postprocess "$SRC"/cache/sources/amlogic-boot-fip/odroid-n2 g12b elif [[ $BOARD == khadas-vim3 ]]; then # 'khadas-vim3' FIP tree contains 'lpddr3_1d.fw' which will trigger '--ddrfw9' in uboot_g12_postprocess uboot_g12_postprocess "$SRC"/cache/sources/amlogic-boot-fip/khadas-vim3 g12b elif [[ $BOARD == radxa-zero2 ]]; then uboot_g12_postprocess "$SRC"/cache/sources/amlogic-boot-fip/radxa-zero2 g12b else echo "Don't know how to handle FIP trees for board '${BOARD}'" exit 2 fi } fi