# Amlogic S922X hexa core 2GB/4GB RAM SoC 1.8-2.4Ghz eMMC GBE USB3 SPI RTC BOARD_NAME="Odroid N2" BOARDFAMILY="meson-g12b" KERNEL_TARGET="legacy,current,edge" FULL_DESKTOP="yes" FORCE_BOOTSCRIPT_UPDATE="yes" BOOT_LOGO="desktop" # Odroid N2 requires Odroid's u-boot for legacy kernel booting. # These vars will be handled by the family (meson-g12b.conf) USE_ODROID_UBOOT="legacy" BOOTCONFIG="odroid-n2_defconfig" # For mainline uboot BOOTCONFIG_ODROID="odroidn2_config" # For odroid uboot BOOTSCRIPT_ODROID="boot-odroid-n2.ini:boot.ini" # For odroid uboot, default BOOTSCRIPT is boot-meson64.cmd for mainline (in meson64_common.inc) # Enable writing u-boot to SPI on the N2(+) for current and edge # To enable the SPI NOR the -spi .dtb is required, because eMMC shares a pin with SPI on the N2(+). To use it: # fdtfile=amlogic/meson-g12b-odroid-n2-plus-spi.dtb # in armbianEnv.txt and reboot, then run nand-sata-install UBOOT_TARGET_MAP="u-boot-dtb.img;;u-boot.bin.sd.bin:u-boot.bin u-boot-dtb.img u-boot.bin:u-boot-spi.bin" write_uboot_platform_mtd() { dd if=$1/u-boot-spi.bin of=/dev/mtdblock0 } # MAX might be different for N2/N2+, for now use N2+'s CPUMIN=1000000 CPUMAX=2400000 GOVERNOR=performance # some people recommend performance to avoid random hangs after 24+ hours running. # U-boot has detection code for the ODROID boards. # https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/blob/v2021.04/board/amlogic/odroid-n2/odroid-n2.c#L35-L106 # Unfortunately it uses n2_plus instead of n2-plus as the Kernel expects it. # So there is a hack at and around config/bootscripts/boot-meson64.cmd L90