# Amlogic S905X3 quad core 4GB RAM SoC GBE USB3 SPI 2 x SATA BOARD_NAME="Odroid HC4" BOARDFAMILY="meson-sm1" BOOTCONFIG="odroid-c4_defconfig" # But also 'odroid-hc4_defconfig', see below at UBOOT_TARGET_MAP KERNEL_TARGET="legacy,current,edge" FULL_DESKTOP="no" SERIALCON="ttyAML0" BOOT_FDT_FILE="amlogic/meson-sm1-odroid-hc4.dtb" PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD="mtd-utils lm-sensors fancontrol" # SPI, sensors, manual fan control via 'pwmconfig' # We build u-boot twice: C4 config for SD cards, and HC4 (with SATA) config for SPI. # To be able to flash to SPI (via nand-sata-install), you need to use the C4 (SD) version. UBOOT_TARGET_MAP="odroid-c4_defconfig u-boot-dtb.img;;u-boot.bin.sd.bin:u-boot.bin u-boot-dtb.img odroid-hc4_defconfig u-boot-dtb.img;;u-boot.bin:u-boot-spi.bin" # The SPI version (u-boot-spi.bin, built from odroid-hc4_defconfig above) is then used by nand-sata-install function write_uboot_platform_mtd() { dd if=$1/u-boot-spi.bin of=/dev/mtdblock0 }